Tuesday, May 24, 2011

real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final

real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey 2011
  • real madrid copa del rey 2011

  • oscillatewildly
    Apr 10, 06:04 PM
    I get 61,835, but I'm beginning to think someone has mucked around with the keys on my calculator.


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid vs barcelona 2011
  • real madrid vs barcelona 2011

  • KindredMAC
    Jul 30, 02:20 PM
    Blah Blah Blah..... how many times are we gonna hear about this elusive Apple iPhone???????

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. Barcelona vs Real Madrid Final
  • Barcelona vs Real Madrid Final

  • funwithamar
    Apr 20, 01:52 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/20/iphone-5-shipping-in-september-with-faster-processor-similar-look/)


    Reuters reports (http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/20/us-apple-iphone-idUSTRE73J0OE20110420) that the next generation iPhone will start production in July and likely shipping in September.Reuters cites three people "familiar with the matter". The brief news article also claims that the new iPhone will have a faster processor but "will look largely similar to the current iPhone 4". No other details are provided, but the timeline is in line with recent rumors about the iPhone 5.

    The faster processor will likely be the Dual-Core A5 processor that was introduced alongside the iPad.

    Article Link: iPhone 5 Shipping in September with Faster Processor, Similar Look (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/20/iphone-5-shipping-in-september-with-faster-processor-similar-look/)

    useless update without i 4" screen up i feel ....
    im jealous of other 4" phone models..... please apple bring out a 4 " model;)

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. Almeria (I) v Real Mallorca (I
  • Almeria (I) v Real Mallorca (I

  • Keymaster
    Aug 7, 02:54 PM
    I don't understand why people are complaining about the Bluetooth and wireless not being included. These are not portables, they won't move, and in many cases professionals don't care if the keyboard is wired or want it wired for some specific reason. Wireless internet is for portable computers folks, not a big hunk of aluminum that will sit on the floor or desk permanently. Wired is also still faster than wireless...if you are in a networked office environment that can make a massive difference.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid 2011 copa del rey
  • real madrid 2011 copa del rey

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 12:36 PM
    Don't worry, I say this now -NO MBP CPU UPDATE AT WWDC- or till December for that matter. MBP itself has its own issues to be fixed like overheating, battery life and slower superdrive. I would be happier if they fix these issues instead of putting slightly faster chip and producing more heat and moans. And even if they do, you won't see big difference in performance anyways. So just enjoy your MB while it lasts.

    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    No no no no no. first of all. The meroms create less heat than the yonahs. by your logic, they shouldn't put a cooler chip in until they resolve their heat issues. :confused:

    secondly: Mac Pros and MBPs both belong at wwdc. PRO. for professional. I fail to see how desktop professional machines belong here and laptop professional machines do not.

    thirdly: ... actually that's all i really need to say.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey 2011
  • real madrid copa del rey 2011

  • marksman
    Mar 31, 09:06 AM
    Ah yes can we have a decent source please not that ridiculous piece of ill conceived drivel that is the Daily Mail.

    It seems legitimate enough... Although the reality of that story is Apple chose to pay some guy who was down on his luck and he lost some patents to public domain a bit of change and a trip to California as opposed to potentially have to pay Burst millions and 10s of millions of dollars or even more on their patent claims.

    Was a pretty good move on Apple's part.

    In every release of Mac OS X, there have been a separate client & server editions, so this is nothing new. Not sure why Apple bundled the 2 together for preview 1.

    Yeah but one of the features of Lion is server will be included with it, so it makes sense that they ultimately be bundled.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. The Final:: Spanish Copa del
  • The Final:: Spanish Copa del

  • padapada
    Nov 5, 06:45 AM
    Sophos is terrible on Windows; why would anyone want to install that garbage on their Mac? :confused:

    From this comment I can tell you have had absolute NO EXPERIENCE with the product.

    We have had it in our company for 10 years and it's absolutely non-intrusive and hassle free.

    Please don't generate noise if you don't have any relevant experience.


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey 2011
  • real madrid copa del rey 2011

  • andiwm2003
    Apr 25, 10:25 AM
    Not sure what everybody is so worried about, I'm sure the phone needs to track some kind of historical information to give an accurate position. As long as accurate positioning information is not sent to Apple, is there really a problem?

    yes there is a problem. because it's unencrypted and everyone with access to your phone can read the information. the software tool they published showed my travel of the last 6 month quite accurately.

    I don't want someone picking up my phone from my desk at work and find out what trips to what company I did. (it works internationally btw)

    also I don't think the IRS or other tax collection agencies need to know when I was where.:D

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid vs barcelona copa
  • real madrid vs barcelona copa

  • EDH667
    Nov 27, 07:06 AM
    can anyone comment on the sound quality when playing music on the iphone via the tomtom kit when it's connected to the car's sound system?

    reason for asking: when i use a standard audio cable from the headphone output of my iphone into my car's aux in, the sound quality leaves a lot to be desired. i basically have to crank up the volume all the way on both my car system and the iphone to hear anything, and even what i hear isn't all that great.

    The sound quality of the Car Kit going through the aux jack is excellent. Much better than coming from the headphone jack.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey 2011
  • real madrid copa del rey 2011

  • Jape
    Nov 18, 05:06 PM
    You are correct! We will be releasing our car kit sometime in December. It works with any iPhone GPS app, so you are not limited to just use ours! =)

    Some features include:

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. arcelona vs real madrid copa
  • arcelona vs real madrid copa

  • Tones2
    Mar 28, 11:07 AM
    Come on - there will be an iPhone 5 in July. That's the customer expectation and if they did NOT release it then, their stock price would suffer and they would certainly lose market share to the newer phones. They are already somewhat behind newer phones that have much larger screens, faster processors, better cameras, etc - no way they wait until next year or even winter 2011. They will find component supplies and keep on track.


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid vs barcelona copa
  • real madrid vs barcelona copa

  • CalBoy
    Mar 27, 01:11 AM
    Pushing the iPhone 5, along with iOS 5, to the fall really wouldn't surprise me at all. In fact it would seem a little weird if Apple were to finally release a white iPhone 4 and then release an iPhone 5 a month or two later... even if they have constantly kept "last years" model around at a discount previously. Maybe the white iPhone will be and iPhone 5...

    The more probable result is that the white iPhone 4 will simply never be.

    By this time, Foxconn is most likely shifting production of the iPhone 4 for the $99 price point and gearing up to produce lots of iPhone 5s for the summer.

    I'm starting to wonder if a Iphone 5 is even going to come out this year i mean with the Verizon IPhone launched in February "kinda close to June - July IMO" so they might wait tell june of next year where we get AT&T and a Verizon IPhone upgrades.

    Most of the iPhone's sales come from outside the United States, where GSM is the standard. Apple can't afford to lag behind other companies in those international markets so they will most likely not slip on shipping the iPhone 5 to much later than the previous models' date.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey final
  • real madrid copa del rey final

  • aptar
    Sep 16, 08:59 PM
    It is always bad practice to CTO a machine, as it is if there are no faults with it you are not entitled to send it back...

    Yeah, I realize that now (and will keep it in mind for future).

    On the flipside, with only a couple customizable options it's not like it wouldn't be appropriate for another consumer. The only thing modified is the RAM and it would take about 10 mins (for Apple) to get it back to stock.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid vs barcelona copa
  • real madrid vs barcelona copa

  • treblah
    Aug 3, 11:25 AM
    How Do You Make A Yonah MBP Run @ 2.33GHz? You Don't. It's Merom Inside.

    I see that you misunderstood the context of the 2.33Ghz but you are still incorrect. You can buy a 2.33Ghz Yonah today, its called the T2700. I know there are not any T2700's in a MBP but Apple could have done so if they wanted.

    Now, back to your 1.67X Battery life…

    Straight from a "Merom vs. Yonah" AnandTech article (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2808&p=15) released earlier today:

    Here there's no difference between Core Duo and Core 2 Duo, which in the mobile world is important. If Intel isn't going to give us any more battery life, it had better not take any away.

    In our final battery life test, the Core 2 Duo T7600 actually falls behind its Core Duo counterpart by 2 minutes, but the margin of error for battery life tests is usually at least 1%, so overall battery life is essentially identical.


    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid vs barcelona copa
  • real madrid vs barcelona copa

  • kretzy
    Sep 11, 07:00 AM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)
    You know it won't work though, don't you? :p

    I agree with your assessment though. :)

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. arcelona vs real madrid 27 04
  • arcelona vs real madrid 27 04

  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 29, 08:44 PM
    Of course Verizon will wait two years before they decide to adopt it into their lineup.

    Yeah tell me about it.

    How much does it take to break a Verizon contract again...?

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. Real Madrid Copa Del Rey
  • Real Madrid Copa Del Rey

  • GGJstudios
    Dec 14, 01:06 PM
    I don't want to spread any viruses to my PC friends. That's called politeness.
    I don't, either. That's why I'm polite enough to make sure my PC friends are running anti-virus software, to protect them from malware, no matter where it may come from.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey 2011
  • real madrid copa del rey 2011

  • msb3079
    Apr 20, 02:03 PM
    That's not "Calendar" summer, it is based on cycles of the sun, precisely, the solstices and equinoxes. ;)

    It just so happens that the Fall equinox falls in mid-september while Summer solstice is on the 21st of June.

    This is true the world over, it is not a "US thing".

    I understand. And while most "go by" what you are saying... IMO, meteorological summer really matters the most. On September 15th... most people don't really think of it as still being summer. What I'm saying is, subconsciously (or maybe not) we tend to think in meteorological seasons as opposed to calendar seasons, even though we technically more follow calendar seasons.

    That probably sounds confusing. Sorry.

    real madrid vs barcelona 2011 copa del rey final. real madrid copa del rey 2011
  • real madrid copa del rey 2011

  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 01:52 PM
    i can't wait!! and it's gonna be so hard buying a Macbook tomorrow and not being able to open it til the 7th!

    Wish I could get a MBP for <$1500 then I would be in the same situation.

    Aug 5, 09:24 AM
    I am really interested to see what this iPhone is all about. And of course Leopard.

    Aug 7, 05:22 PM
    I am very much a pro user and I very much have no use for airport or bluetooth. So I'm glad that it's not being forced on me.
    I'm a Pro too...BUT I did get my PM G5 with APE and BT installed and I DO think they should be standard.

    My reasoning was the "Future" and "Wirelessness".

    I knew that my Airport Extreme station sits right above my set up on a shelf, but I don't know where my G5 might end up down the road in my house, especially if I finish my basement and put a seperate Studio in there. I will probably need to put the Airport somewhere in the middle of the house so our laptops can still get it put not right where the G5 is.

    As for BT... #1 Reason- Wireless Keyboard, Mouse and Tablets.
    #2 Reason- Many rumors have circulated for almost a year of possible BT integration into the iPods. Maybe for Headphones? Maybe for file transfers? Who knows at this point! So I wanted it JUST IN CASE. As it is, you can't add those items after market into the Macs so why not do it now.

    As for "forcing" a tech on someone, I think FW 800 is a forcing of tech on people. I don't need FW 800. I make use of it because it is there in place of extra FW 400 plugs. I would like to know how many out there use their FW 800 ports on their G5's and for what. Ya know what I use mine for? My 3G iPod. Whuppdy Doo!

    Apr 7, 09:35 AM
    RIM was the smartphone market for a brief period of time, they really should be doing better than what they are right now.

    RIM didn't have any vision, though, and were eclipsed by Apple and Google.

    I owned a BB Storm and it was a piece of junk, the Torch fell flat and now the Playbook has been delayed.

    I wonder who is going to buy RIM out, they are in desperate need of a hit product. RIM needs a halo product as badly as Apple did before the iPod came out.

    ender land
    Apr 10, 01:19 PM
    using Pemdas or the correct order of operations in the first problem
    we first add whats in the parentheses (9+3)= 12
    second step we multiply 2(12) =24
    final step 48/24 = 2

    the people who are getting 288

    are adding (9+3) =12
    then they are skipping an order of operations and going straight to division 48/2 =24
    24 * 12 = 288

    Does division come after multiplication in order of operations? I had always thought you treated both multiplication and division the same and executed those operations sequentially, reading left to right.

    I'm calling BS on you being a math teacher.

    McGiord - "Mac OS X cannot be wrong on this: [refering to picture showing 2 as answer]." Perhaps you do not remember saying this? What about "Mac OS X cannot be wrong"? I know reading your posts results in fail, but associating that fail with someone else failing at reading is a bit of a stretch.

    And for what it's worth, I guess I am quite happy if my current position is "failing at math" considering I make a fair bit of money for "failing at math" in a technical field.

    Aug 4, 08:01 AM
    Do you guys think we'll be able to buy merom replacement motherboards for MBP?

    maybe. there will def be some service where you can send your MBP in for a week or two and they'll upgrade it. it will void your warranty however, so keep that in mind.