Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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  • the vj
    Apr 25, 02:55 PM
    Jobs.... you better say sorry dude. :rolleyes:

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  • plinden
    Sep 12, 11:00 AM
    The folks over at Anandtech have dropped engineering samples of the quad core cloverton into a Mac Pro - http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2832&p=6

    and it worked ... all eight cores were recognised.

    The rest of the article was interesting too.

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  • Frobozz
    Jul 30, 08:13 PM
    I've built a gaming PC around the Core 2 Duo E6700. I'd like to be able to install OS X on it, because the only reason why I'd ever use Windows is for the latest games. Here are the spec's, think this would run OS X nicely? ;-)

    Intel 975XBX Motherboard
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 (should overclock to around 3.2 to 3.5 GHz with my Zalman CNPS9500 AT air cooler)
    ATI Crossfire x1900 (crossfire master card)
    Sapphire ATI x1900xt (in crossfire)
    1GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2 800 Memory
    2 x 320GB Seagate Perpendicular Recording SATA2 HD's in RAID 1
    Antec Trupower II 550 watt power supply
    Antec P180 case in black

    ... keep in mind I am a diehard Mac fan, but I've always wanted to build a gaming rig since I'm a hardcore gamer. After all, I'm writing this entry on my MacBook Pro. Mmmmm.

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  • jc1350
    Apr 8, 08:33 AM
    The CrunchGear story has been updated to state the rumor is "squashed."

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  • dongmin
    Sep 19, 10:02 AM
    It gets annoying. Why? Because it's true and most people don't want to admit it.

    In a few cases here and there, the extra processor power/speed is going to help. But for a majority of people buying a MacBook, they're not going to be burning home-made DVD's, doing intense Music compositions, or using it for hard-core gaming. They're going to SURF and WRITE.

    As for the "resale" value, again, most people who are buying a used MacBook are NOT going to ask "is it a Merom?" They're going to ask how nice the case is, how much use it's gotten, and how much it is, and that's it.

    Everybody likes to play "ooo, I'm the hard-core computing whiz and I need the BEST out there", but I bet you if you took an honest poll out there of everyone who's answered this thread, you'd find at least 75% these Apple fans have no need for for the extra speed, they just want it because it's "cool" and "fast" and it's the latest thing out there.While you make some valid points, you overlook others:

    1. As soon as the new model comes out, the older models will drop in price. So even if you aren't getting the fastest and greatest, even if you're buying the lowest end MBP, you'll benefit from the price break.

    2. MBPs are expensive computers. You're investing in something that you'll keep around for 3-4 years. I want to future-proof my computer as much as possible. Features like easily-swappable HD and fast graphics card will affect "the average user" 2+ years from now (pro'ly sooner) when everyone's downloading and streaming HD videos and OS X has all this new eye-candy that will require a fast graphics card.

    3. There are other features than just a 10% increase in CPU power that we are hoping in the next MBP, including a magnetic latch, easily-access to HD and RAM, and better heat management. Certainly the average Joe will be able to benefit from these features, even if all you do is word process and surf the web.

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  • balamw
    Aug 7, 06:39 PM
    Norton's GoBack, which was purchased from some other company
    Yeah, I recommended GoBack to a number of users back in the day (I think it was Adaptec that owned it at one point). No-one seemed to like it at the time.

    As I and others reminisce it's a feature that has been around for well over 20 years in VMS. It's only relatively new to personal computers.


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  • studiomusic
    Apr 5, 11:09 PM
    Already have my tickets... I was looking forward to Kevin Smith and Philip Bloom, but FCP is a welcome announcement.
    Hopefully they'll give a bunch of copies of it for the Supermeet Super Raffle.

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 05:41 PM
    I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but Kentsfield will not be appearing in any of the Pro machines for some time.

    Apple will be using them exclusively in the Xserves, at for the most part of 2007. This will finally give Apple another way to distinguish their server line from their pro line.
    Do you have any evidence to back this up?

    Historically, Apple has always sold a dual-processor model of the Pro systems. When dual-core PPCs became available, they shipped a G5 system with two of these.

    In the absence of any other information, it seems pretty darn obvious that the high-end Mac Pro will have two processors, regardless of how many cores are in it. Which means it will have to be something from the Xeon line.

    Apple doesn't need to cripple the Mac Pro in order to promote the Xserve. The two products are designed for completely different applications and are not interchangeable for any serious applications. Nobody will ever want to use an Xserve on their desktop, and nobody setting up a compute cluster will want to build it from desktop boxes.

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  • room271
    Mar 22, 01:17 PM
    I don't get all the negative ratings/comments.

    1. Competition is good (I know this is hardly an original point)

    2. The tablets look interesting.

    In particular, the stylus input and software for the Blackberry device allowing simple notetaking etc.

    Personally, I dislike Apple's walled-garden (even though I appreciate this doesn't bother many people) so this is good news.

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  • RebootD
    Apr 7, 12:49 PM
    This. Netflix HD is nice and even making my own legal copies are decent but they still don't compare to BRD + uncompressed/ DTSMA audio.

    And I'm going to point out again: 1080p BluRay movies are about 30GB each for a full length movie, not counting the "extras." Even if Netflix et al allowed such quality downloads, most ISPs have a maximum monthly bandwidth limit that is not prominently mentioned when you sign up, but exists none the less (for Comcast Cable, it's 250GB).

    If you have only DSL, that's not a big issue because at 3mbs or so, you might not be able to download 250GB in a month ;-) But at 20 to 50mbs with cable, or if Google's 1gbs fiber connections work out, that's only 10 movies a month.

    I'd love to see network delivery of everything - cancel Directv, etc., but with the extant bandwidth limitations, I don't think it happening.

    BluRay lives.

    Eddie O

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  • davea11ee
    Apr 5, 06:27 PM
    Time for my 8 cores to start all being used at the same time.

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  • bretm
    Jul 20, 10:45 AM
    My first job as a graphic designer I used an enhanced SE/30 (with 20" external monitor). About a year later we upgraded to the Quadras, so I guess that makes me #5?

    I think I used a SE 25 with a 12" monitor.

    I also remember the first mac I purchased was the cheapest PowerMac they had. I remember upgrading the RAM from 8mb to 16mb and it cost over $300 for that 8mb chip!

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  • DotComName
    Apr 25, 01:52 PM
    Number 1: Apple is apparently labeling the reports as false
    Number 2: Who even cares if Apple or Google or Microsoft or any corporation is tracking our location? What things are you involved in where you would even care? What harm could their knowledge of that information cause you? (apart from the crackpot theories of paranoid people)...
    People will sue for anything these days and hopefully legislation will be passed soon to stop the ridiculousness.

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  • sunfast
    Aug 17, 02:07 AM
    Awesome machine. Just awesome. I can't believe that photoshop test!

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  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    Well, minus the screen size too. Equal to isn't going to cut it against an Apple product. Just look at how the Zune fared.

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:50 PM
    Ever heard of DoCoMo?

    Trying to say that DoCoMo is the majority of the other 19%? Doubt it.

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  • DrRadon
    Mar 22, 12:46 PM
    It won�t sell because the iPad lines will block the view in store.

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  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 8, 06:56 AM
    Quota? Are these guys idiots?

    Best Buy isn't the only place to buy these... I've thought through the various marketing gimmicks, and really none apply here. Why would they do this...

    Maybe BB spreading out what inventory it does receive so as to give other potential customers coming the next day and the day after that and the day after that a possible opportunity to actually get one if they are lucky to be there and BB hadn't sold their quota for the day versus nope don't have any don't know when next shipment coming in.

    Which is what I was told on several occasions from the Apple rep at BB. It was her suggestion when the store last received iPads to check online that same day for inventory status. Sure enough, week later BB was showing a pitiful quantity of only a few models, but I was able to purchase from BB my iPad sooner than some of the people griping on these message boards that their online order placed weeks ago still hadn't been filled. Apple quota anyone?

    It's one thing to intro a product and not know whether it will be a hit or not and you wouldn't want a glut of inventory, but haven't these inventory shortage issues, until things settle out, been seen with the iPhone 4! 4 not 1...

    Not excusing BB but just a thought to the question why would BB put a quota on the limited availability iPad 2.

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 27, 12:01 PM
    Anyway, before you start babbling again, check the link below...these are FACTS, not whines.


    So please, before you spit out some fire, bring me some real facts, like percentage of failures and so on...the report I've read above shows Apple as having the LOWEST repair rate and HIGHEST trust of all makers. This, for me, is relevant; not random screams in Mac forums.

    While I don't disagree with what you have said, I also think this PC Mag Poll may be a little misrepresentive of the current situation.

    This is a readers poll from PC Mag users, I wonder how many are Mac users compared to PC users.

    Second, they also state that Apple users are so fanatical and anti-pc that they are worried that they tend to exagerate the poll numbers in favor of Apple.

    Third, the only less-subjective bit of information was the repair percentage numbers and the numbers they used were for last year (2005), so they would not reflect any problems with the new mac-intel machines. It seems like most of the issues currently being discussed are with the Mac-Intels.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 07:31 PM
    Sticking your neck out there, I see. :)

    I've always been a risk-taker. ;)

    Sounds dangerously like, "the ends justify the means."

    From a western perspective, there is legitimate concern for libyan civilians engaged in a popular uprising on the one hand, and both the threat to oil supplies and Gaddafi's enmity towards the international community on the other. Nobody wants to see a long, destructive civil war. Libya's own citizens rose in revolt, in sufficient numbers to wrest huge portions of the country from Gaddafi's control. Gaddafi has himself stated that he will hunt down and kill any person who stands against his regime.

    Having grave reservations about intervention is all fine and well, but one has to be realistic - under what circumstances is non-intervention a good option here? Indeed, you could say "the ends justify the means" about that too - the oil keeps flowing, no foreign soldiers are killed and no money spent on military intervention. It also allows you the luxury of occupying the moral high ground, condemning human rights violations without taking sides or lifting a finger to aid anyone. It is obvious the UN has taken sides here, no doubt about it. Do you disagree with that decision?

    No he hasn't, the stage management has been quite subtle, actually, for once.

    I don't think Obama was "dragged" into this at all, the US has gotten willingly involved - but to what extent do you think it was stage-managed?

    Kevin Monahan
    Apr 6, 01:16 PM
    Of course your not taking in to account all the fragmentation issues relating to "cross-platform" applications.

    All software has bugs, especially programs ported to different operating systems and machines. The the bottom line is that FCP is popular with the editors.

    BBC Broadcast Engineer.... living in the real world of media production!
    Of course, all software has bugs. I was just trying to find out which bugs the OP was speaking of, and pointing out ways to report bugs.

    Jun 9, 01:44 PM
    According to RadioShack's official Twitter account, the electronics chain will be carrying iPhone 4 as of its U.S. launch on June 24th.

    That's "THE SHACK" to you sir! Sorry, I still can't over this crappy, crappy branding decision of theirs to call themselves "The Shack." Really?

    When I watched basketball performances, it was from "The Shack." When I was 12, I had my porno hidden in "The Shack." And when I was 15 and in the Boy Scouts and I went camping/boating, I took a crap in "The Shack." But, when I was 16 and built a home-made rocket, I got my parts from "RADIO SHACK."

    Aug 6, 05:38 PM
    That's funny. A nice little jab at M$. Classic!

    A nice jab at MS-at least with Leopard, there's only 1 edition unlike M$'s 7 for Vista.

    Apr 10, 07:34 AM
    Well I bet they handle Formats differently.

    Gone is Pulldown. Gone is Film Support...replaced with the best web movie rendering support in the industry. Also Apple will change the antiquated delivery method for productions. Once your done you publish to the itunes store and you have now distributed your movie. The interface will be a multitrack version of iMovie. From watching this clip and all the industry big wigs saying "its wonderful" Ya its great but in a different way ... because whats going to be released is not FCP studio 4. I'm sure its a whole new thing. So all the iMovie 7 users who had to keep using it because iMovie 8 was a total re-write because of no legacy no pluggin support will happen to FC Editors. This will force Editors who use Studio 3 to continue to use S3 until they build up the features of this "new" editor. Its going to be a very interesting NAB. Avid and Premiere are going to gain a lot of new friends if this is true. But the larger batch of new editors who really could care less about 99% of what this small market needs will be very happy. I also bet the price is quite a bit lower as well.

    This will be the everything is gone and changed upgrade.

    Are you speculating or have you just disobeyed your NDA? ;-)